Tuesday, August 30, 2005


1. ASSIGNMENT 1-- Understanding culture (5%)

Write a short essay(1-2 pages) about cultural difference or cultural patterning, taken from your experience. Possibilities include:
- If you are from another country or have spent time in another country, you may describe the differences that struck you or that matter(ed) in your life
- An aspect of life at Lingnan or Hong Kong that seems to be strongly patterned culturally.
You should present the facts of the case or example (and your personal
experience), and then try to make sense of it, to analyze it culturally.
Due date: Oct 8

2. ASSIGNMENT 2 – “Gift” Exchange (10%)

Write a four-page essay on gift exchange . Please bring in the examples from your reading or experience (such as moon cake in mid-autumn festival or gift in lunar new year). You may focus on one or two main points, or you may cover a few of what seem the most important points to you.
1. You relate your essay to our discussion and reading materials;
2. DO NOT take for granted our culture's assumptions about, e.g., individualism and self-interest;
3. Try to make sense out of it and not just repeating facts;
4. Develop an argument. Before you decide on what material you want to use, you'd better think first of what points you want to make.
You need not agree with the instructor or anytone else, so long as you argue your point of view cogently and do not take our culture's assumptions for granted. Although you need not refer to every last one of the readings, make sure you do not blindly make a point that is contradicted or supported by one of the readings.

References: Yan, Yunxiang. 1996. "Chapter 7." The Flow of Gift.Standford: Standford UP.
Due Date: Nov 11

3. ASSIGNMENT 3: Observation and record (20%)

For this assignment you are asked to spend at least four hours in one community, noticing whatever occurs there, describing what is in it and the human interaction there and analyzing what goes on. The ultimate goal for this assignment is to write a paper summarizing and analyzing what you saw, did and observed. To a very limited extent this assignment recreates what ethnographers do when they are conducting fieldwork. It asks you to try your skills at observing and interviewing. You may join the field trip the instructor organizes or you could plan a trip on your own. You may travel to the community in a group but please conduct field work (observation and interview) alone.
-Before your field trip, you should collect some basic information of the community.
-After you arrive in your field, please settle down in a place (a square, a restaurant, a temple, etc.) first. Don't walk around idly. Try to stay in a place for at least 45 minutes before you go to another one.
-If you want to interview a person, please clearly state to her/ him what you plan to do and why you are doing it. Make your converation with informants lively, pleasurable and natural. Bring your student ID card along to show her/him that you really have been asked to do this by your teacher. If the person you talk to is uncomfortable with you using real names in the paper, you should only use pseudonyms when referring to them. If necessary, you may also have him/her call the instructor at his mobile phone (9805-2797) in order to verify who you are and what you have been asked to do.
-Tape or video record is not recommended. Probably it is best to use a small hand held notebook for notes, so as to be less obtrusive.
-Don't be upset if you get turned down, just go on to another person or place. If you should find one of your classmates in the place at the same time you go there, please don't interrupt him/her.

1. The paper should address at least the following:

  • the specific name and location of the community
  • specific dates and times you were there
  • how the informants respond to you
  • where you stood/sat when you did your research
  • a description of the physical characteristics of the community (e.g., building, street, road, human flow, traffic, ...)
  • the specific number and types (age, sex, type of clothing, probably occupations, ethnicity, etc.)of people visiting the place while you were there.
  • the nature of the interactions that take place among people
  • the languages used in the community and by whom
  • any strange, unusual or different behavior you noticed
  • any strange or unusual items you were unfamiliar with
  • how the community differs from yours
  • brief report on interview(s) with the people there
  • history of the place or the community (if possible)

2. There should also be some kind of analysis and conclusion sections in the paper:

  • Comparing and contrasting this community with others you know about
  • Human relationships
  • what it felt like to do the research
  • why such a kind of community is found in Hong Kong
  • the most difficult aspects of the research
  • the best aspects of the research

3. The report should be typed, double-spaced and at least six pages long (not including the map of the community).

4. You must also draw a map of the community attached to your paper. Your map does not necessarily cover the whole area of the community. It may specify some places you have visited.
Due Date: Dec 10


Syllabus (Autumn 2005)

CUS 304/ GEC 304 Social and Cultural Anthropology

Instructor: IP Iam Chong (葉蔭聰)
E-mail: chong@ln.edu.hk Contact no.: 2616-7443
Office: GE 319
Websites: http://anthropology.wikispaces.org/; http://csanthropology.blogspot.com/


The primary aim of this course is to help students develop a basic understanding of social and cultural anthropology by introducing them to several theoretical perspectives, ethnographic writing and their relevance to contemporary cultural issues. Topics to be covered include anthropological theories of culture, ethnographic practice and their connection with colonialism and the changing relationship of the West to the “Others”. The final part of the course focuses on several case studies related to anthropological knowledge and cultural studies.

Requirement and Assessment

1. Tutorial (35%)
Each student is required to make presentation of some articles and facilitate group discussion.
2.Ethnographic assignment (35%)
3. Take-home Exam (30%, open-book)


*Monaghan, John and Peter Just. 2000. Social and Cultural Anthropology: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford UP.
(Please read both. They are highly relevant to final examination!)


[Week 1: Briefing]

[Week 2: Culture: What? Why?]
Monaghan and Just 2000: Chapter 1 and 3
王銘銘2002: 第三章;2005:第一章

[Week 3 Culture as institution, part I]
王銘銘2005: 第二章
Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1964. Crime and Custom in Savage Society, Paterson, New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams & Co.
Monaghan and Just 2000, Chapter 3

[Week 4 Culture as institution, part II]
Leach, E. R. 1977. "Chapter 1" Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure. London: The Athlone Press, pp. 1-17.

[Week 5 Culture as collective character or "pattern"]
王銘銘2005: 第三章
Benedict, Ruth. 1935. Patterns of culture. London: Routledge & Paul.

[Week 6 Culture as symbol, part I]
Levi-Strauss, Claude. 1987 [1967]“Social structure: Structural anthropology.”In Perspectives in cultural anthropology. Edited by Herbert Applebaum. New York: State University of New York Press, 411-415.

[Week 7 Culture as symbol, part II]
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. “Thick description: Toward an interpretive theory of culture.” In The Interpretation of Cultures. BasicBooks, 3-32.
[Week 8 Culture as practice, part I]
Sahlins, Marshall. 2003(1982). “Individual Experience and Cultural Order.” Culture in Practice. NY: Zone.

[Week 9/ Culture as practice, part II]
Dirks, Nicholas B. 1994. “Ritual and resistance: Subversion as a social fact.” In Culture/ Power/ History: A reader in contemporary social theory. Edited by Nicholas B. Dirks, Geoff Eley and Sherry B. Ortner. Princeton: Princeton UP, 483-503.

[Week 10/ Reflections on fieldwork and ethnographic writing]
Rabinow, Paul. 1977. “Respectable information.” Reflections on fieldwork in Morocco. Berkeley: University of California Press, 101-124.
王銘銘2002: 第七章

[Week 11: Special topic (guest speaker)]

[Week 12/ Case study I: Tourism and cultural identities]
White, Sydney D. 1997. “Fame and sacrifice: The gendered construction of Naxi identities.” Modern China 23(3): 298-327.
Schein, Louisa. 1999. “Performing modernity.” Cultural Anthropology 14(3): 361-395.

[Week 13/ Case study II: Culture and Development]
Sahlins, Marshall.1972. "The Original Affluent Society." Stone Age Economics. Chicago: Chicago UP.
Escobar, Arturo. 1998. "Power and Visibility: Development and the Invention and Management of the Third World." Cultural Anthropology 3(4):
中譯:艾思確巴(Arturo Escobar)<權力與能見性:發展與第三世界之編造發明和管理>《發展的迷思》香港:牛津大學出版社,頁41-60。

[Week 14/ Conclusion: anthropology and cultural studies]

Other references

Fei, Xiaotong. 1939. Peasant Life in China. London: Routledge.
Geertz, Clifford. 1993 (1973). Interpretation of Cultures. London: Fontana Press.
Geertz, Clifford. 1983. Local knowledge : further essays in interpretive anthropology. NY: Basic Books.
Herzfeld, Michael. 2001. Anthropology : theoretical practice in culture and society. Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers.
Diamond, Jared. 1997. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Socieites. NY: Vintage.
Mead, Margaret. 1961. Coming of age in Samoa : a psychological study of primitive youth for Western civilization. New York: Morrow.
Sahlins, Marshall. 2000. Culture in Practice. NY: Zone.
Mintz, Sidney Wilfred. 2001. Tasting food, Tasting freedom: Excursing into eating, culture and the past. Boston: Beacon.

克利福德‧格爾茲著,納日碧力戈...[等]譯1999《文化的解釋》,上海 : 上海人民出版社。
克利弗德‧紀爾茲著 ; 楊德睿譯2002《地方知識 : 詮釋人類學論文集》台北:麥田。
瑪格麗特米德 ; 周曉虹, 李姚軍譯1990《薩摩亞人的成年 : 為西方文明所作的原始人類的青年心理研究》台北:遠流。)
Mintz, Sidney Wilfred. 2001《吃》台北 : 藍鯨出版有限公司。
林耀華著 ; 莊孔韶, 林宗成譯 1990 《金翼 : 中國家族制度的社會學研究》香港 : 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。
項飆2000《跨越邊界的社區 : 北京「浙江村」的生活史》北京:三聯書店。
周華山2001《無父無夫的國度? : 重女不輕男的母系摩梭》 香港:香港同志研究社。